At a glance…

Client: 500 employees | Series A | $55m ARR | SaaS digital marketing | Client delivery team: 10 people at 0.25 FTE

Challenge: Realign customer credit/refund policies for customer satisfaction and modern business system workflow processes

Approach: Advisory services to identify, define, align, and design a small change with an amplified impact to experience & productivity

Outcome: Within 15 days a streamlined policy, process, and customer experience was introduced for all prospective customer credits

The story…

An operational pain-point was identified during the course of discovery and definition for a CRM Account restructuring initiative. The impact was described as small and internal so pain-point was noted in a parking lot then recapped at the end of a productive workshop.

After 3-4 minutes of deeper description during the recap, it became apparent that the policy, process, data, and experience related to customer credit and refund activities generated conflicts among all the participants.

Calling on experiences with comparable organizations, Kumonami could confidently recommend updates to the policy which yields a streamlined and scalable process, reliable and consistent data, with value for the customer that makes them want to say, “yes” to something that benefits all participants.


Customer onboarding orchestrated


Licensing spend reduced