At a glance…

Employer: 400 employees | Series C | $75m ARR | Digital marketing SaaS | Delivery team: 10 people at 6 FTE

Challenge: Manage multi-element arrangements to improve visibility, deliverability, and profitability

Approach: As full-time VP of Business Systems & IT, identify, define, align, design, and deliver systems solutions

Outcome: Within 180 days a referenceable solution was delivered with fast adoption, clear improvements, and eventual reuse

The story…

As the full-time VP of IT and Business Systems, our company was facing a pivotal crossroads where we needed modern solutions for scalably selling, servicing, and accounting for multi-element solutions for our customers. There were meaningful complexities around the pricing, packaging, and configuration of contracts with new and renewing customers which had become a tangled mess organically as the business moved through start-up to scale-up. The delays to customer fulfillment caused by undeliverable contract configurations was escalating cancellations and threatening profitability.

Leaning on the partnership fostered with our account team at Salesforce, we were recommended strong partners to provide the right balance of hands-on delivery with oversight of our internal team. This budget-friendly approach strengthened the staff while keeping us on pace for a timely transition aligned with annual kick-off events to focus overall enablement efforts.

Any organization will generate system “debt” as smaller solutions that worked for a team of 20 people begin to exhibit their limits with a company of 200 staff that evolve into critical deficiencies at an enterprise of 2,000 workers. Planfully selecting and orienting the cornerstone platforms for organizations across these magnitudes requires executive functional architecture experience. If this is missing within your organization or systems integrators are out of your budget, then Kumonami may be for you.


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